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Has anybody ever seen a GVCS50 rationale?
  • I am new here. And I have already read a good part of the web page, wiki page and some of the forum. However I have not yet come across a rational for the GVCS50 apart from the one-sentence-descriptions next to each of the 50 pictures.

    Please could somebody send me in the right direction.

    Or has such a rationale not been published?
    Why were these 50 chosen?
    Out of which set of options?
    Why were other options not chosen?
    Is the GVCS50 a holy grail or can it be changed over time?
    Is there a decision making process to change the 50 to follow?

    The GVCS50 set is a very interesting start. But I doubt that it cannot be improved by crowd intelligence.
    Maybe there should be a starter subset like GVCS5 or -10.
    The GVCS50 might look very different if it is designed for US farming environment, Asian rice paddy environment, mountainous Himalaya, Andes or Alpine environment, tundra permafrost environment, tropic environment, desert environment, or you name it.
    So it might make sense to think about different flavors of the GVCS50.

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • I haven't seen any rationale for it, and you're not the only one who thinks the list seems whimsical. Human society does not need more petroleum-powered cars.
  • I could not find any rationale either, aside from "this list came from Marcin's head".

    > Maybe there should be a starter subset like GVCS5 or -10.

    I have taken the Systems Engineering approach to the problem (which is what I did professionally before retiring).  The results so far are embodied in a wikibook:  I cannot say for sure what the starter set will have in it, but I have an example of what it *might* contain in section 5.2.  The analysis process I am following is in the notes (section 9), especially page 8.  It starts with defining what outputs I want from the system, primarily food, shelter, and energy.  Then you work backwards to identify what equipment is needed to provide those outputs, and in turn what starter set is needed to build that equipment.  I am trying to develop a general design process, so that if you have a different environment in a different location, you can follow the process and come up with an appropriate design.

    The work is far from finished, but you can see what is there, and it's open source like OSE is.  I participated here in OSE for a while, until if found things were too disorganized and undocumented.  So I have chosen to try and put the concepts on a sound engineering footing.

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