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Diesel Power Cube
  • I wanted to throw out the idea of making diesel power cube. Now while diesel engines have been traditionally used for larger appplications there have been some some very interensting designs made for high effeciency small diesel engines mostly on motorcycles from what I have read ( Two particularly interesting ones are the Neander motor with a twin counter-rotating crankshaft design ( and Hayes Diversified Technologies motor made for the US Marines and orther nato militaries that gets over 100mpg at 45mph. It seems to to me that a diesel engine would be more ideal than other internal combustion engines because of effeciency and the larger selection of plants that can be used to make biodiesel.
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • cool
  • Not only are diesels more efficient and you could use bio fuels, but you could get off-road diesel which would drop the fuel costs.
  • Does anyone have knowledge of what aspects of engines such as the neander engine would subject to copyright so I could narrow down my research of what type diesel engines to consider? I am completly clueless to the specifics of copyright laws or where to gain more knowledge on the subject.
  • Are you thinking about designing your own engine or are you just trying to decide on which engine to put in the power cube? I suggest 1) not designing your own engine and 2) designing the power cube so it can easily accept a wide variety of engines, then just grab the cheapest one for the prototype. 
  • I am plan to initially just buy a diesel engine  if there is one that is cheap enough and of a small enough size. However I haven't been able to find one yet. I do plan regardless though to eventually design a engine,but this will be a future project that I will begin after I have learned more the subject though unless some with that knowledge would want to work on this project. Right now I am working a the basis for CNC Mill/Lathe dual purpose machine.

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