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Factor e Farm - I want to work for you.
  • How do I put this...

    I have just left university in Ireland with a degree in International Corporate Law (that's Corporate Law with a focus on international law and finance, with fluent spanish), and am now a full-time office manager and equipment manager at an events office in a university. I have been fascinated with civilsation regeneration all my life and at
    this period in my academic career I am endlessly fascinated by the
    current economic crisis, developing economies and attempts at recovery. Since finding out about this project, I can't take anything else quite as seriously as this and there's nothing more I want to dedicate my career to. It's truly captivating and I am in love with the project.

    My basic question is - what areas of expertise is the project lacking in? For a relative clean slate to acquire I mean? In any, and I mean ANY, of the Development Priorities? If it is financial, marketing, project management or legal advice I would get further higher qualifications and experience to meet that need. If it is web development, farming, construction or engineering. (e.g. I was fully prepared to go for a Bachelors Degree in engineering later this year with the overall aim of turning up at the Factor e-Farm to help the construction and testing team wherever needed!)

    I realise that this project aims to have the development phase on site completed by the end of 2012 (according to the wiki), and that a lot of your vacanies are aimed at long-timers in their specific fields, but for this reason I am enquiring on your message boards so that myself and perhaps some of the many other GVSC helper-hopefuls can start training now if the project organisers have forecasted some specific techskill-deficiency in the coming years/decades of the project. Even if there is only work to be done off-site and over the internet, e.g. blogging, resource developing, etc.

    In the meantime I am steadily researching in my spare time the GVSC, OpenSourceEcology, the Factor e Farm and general projects and course on self-sufficiency technology, enviromental change and transition groups (with a focus on the practical solution rather on the lobbying groups), both english and spanish speaking.

    Would much appreciate replies and suggestions!

  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • (Also I should add is there a need for polyglots and translators/interpretters? If there is for communication/collaberation between various OSE communities, especially in Europe, I'd be willing to learn whatever language needed and become a qualified translator, that was my original plan post-college!)
  • Hi Helen,

    Nikolay might need some help with this - take a look at the OSE Europe blog:
  • Hi Helen, if you want to help with some of our activities in Europe, please connect with me:
    Best would be if we can speak this Saturday or Sunday in Skype.

  • I was just having a conversation today about how OSE needs a more fully developed legal framework. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding open source licenses. What sort of liability are the contributors looking at? Is it possible to patent something that was released open source? How do you defend an open source license in court, particularly if you developed it yourself? Etc. If you're already trained in law do you think you could help answer some of those questions, or maybe pull in someone who can?
  • Hi Matt,

    I know of at least two open source licenses that were successfully defended in German courts, although I have no case citation for you atm!  No where else from the last time I studied it, although I haven't studied US intellectual law per se, more international (which is basically US...) and european.Funnily enough open source licenses and copyleft were part of the focus of my dissertation and I still have access to all the intellecutal property databases and texts so I'll can go draw up a thorough outline of it as per international law. Would take me a month or so.

    Nikolay - Sounds great! :) I can skype on Sunday, I'll connect with you then!
  • by the way  - will anything happen in real in Europe soon?  - I mean something else than chatting or meeting - just building or constructing
    I'm  a man few word    ;)

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