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Willy from Niagara Falls Canada
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    January 2012
    Just saying Hi and glad to be here. I love the idea and what's been done so far. 

    I was just working on my own DIY ideas and cam across this site.

  • 7 Comments sorted by
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    January 2012
    2 things:

    I'm trying to source out hydraulic parts for a system, and Marcin has posted up info on the wiki about the newer, much higher efficiency technology, particularly those developed by Peter Achten @ Innis. Does anyone know where to find that? Other options?

    My fallback idea is to buy an old, used utility truck, such as with a snow plow or a dump truck that will already have a hydraulic system installed. I was looking at regular pickup trucks and installing a PTO driven system, but the pricing is prohibitive. 

    This would double as a power source for my workshop, but the downsides are low efficiency and noise. If I can run the truck engine using the house natgas, that will improve the power cost. 
    I was hoping that the single piston engines in the new hydraulic systems would be much quieter. 
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    January 2012
    2nd thing, FYI if anyone's interested:

    I'm going to try (hopefully) and build my own welder from here Awesome guy, cool idea.

    I purchased this gen head for the power source. Hence why I'm looking for a hydraulic enabled truck to run the gen head. I dislike nasty noise (hard to work for extended periods of time), and I think a truck engine running well below full throttle will be quieter than a portable generator size engine running at full throttle. 

    I guess this is expensive for the agenda here, but I think it hits a sweet spot with a lot of benefit for the cost. It's the foundation for my whole workshop and it's a utility vehicle with hydraulic options.

  • I think you may want to put a larger variable-flow pump on your hydraulic capable vehicle to do everything you might want to.  You could also use a hydraulic accumulator to run the vehicle on a more intermittent cycle, if your hydraulic needs aren't particularly intense during notable periods of time.

    What are you going to build in your workshop, once you get it powered up?

  • Wouldn't compressed air make more sense for powering a workshop?
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    January 2012
    Hi Willy.  Welcome to OSE.  Niagra Falls isn't all that far from where I live, just south of Ithaca.

    - Mark

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    January 2012
    @DavidIAm yes, for sure - I've seen these implemented on the new hydraulic hybrid vehicles (HHV) and it's exciting. The beauty is I don't know all I'm going to build. What time and money will allow. I've recently discovered welding and I'll want to do some metal work for sure. Some things todo: adjustable height tables, exercise equipment, big&heavy workbench, tool rack, whatever. maybe some of the projects from here, who knows.

    @Matt_Maier There isn't enough electricity going to the garage. The gen head will be my power and I need something 40hp+ to turn it. Trying to wire more power to the garage will cost $$ anyways (main panel has to be replaced for starters), so I think I will get more bang for the buck with this route. Plus hydraulics has a lot of bonuses like we see here at OSE.

    @mjn Thanks Mark, I guess that means you got the snow today too :)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    January 2012
    Heck, it's STILL snowing.  At least six inches out there.

    - Mark

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