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Worried about peak oil; how will oil dependent machinery work in post-oil age?
  • Hi all,
    I'm hoping you all have plans for electric, solar, wind and other renewables plans for a post-oil Africa or Africa and other developing nations are going to be in a world of pain! I LOVE your work, and haven't been this inspired by TED for about a year. Once a year TED manages to ROCK my world. Your project seems to be the BIG IDEA this year!
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • To be honest, they will be much better off than "we" will be. Developing countries tend to live closer to nature already. Yes there will be an impact, but nothing compared to the waves of "Zombies" we are going to see in North America.

    The Dawg
  • It's possible to make synthetic gasoline -- it's just a hydrocarbon. Typically this means biomass for the carbon and then water and electricity for the hydrogen and oxygen and the building it up into gasoline. Synthetic gasoline is purer and cleaner than refined gasoline. Jiff was talking in the IRC earlier about creating hydrogen from water with electrolysis, but hydrogen has the drawback of being so small that it goes through metal and creates hydrogen brittleness. It can be scaled up to methane for natural gas fuel, or further scaled up from that to gasoline which has the advantage of being a liquid with a high energy relative to its volume and having the advantage of running internal combustion engines without any modification. There's also biodiesel which has the advantage of being a liquid and not needing as much refinement (methane has to go through the mobil process to become synthetic gasoline, so it would probably be village scale rather than home scale), but can be inefficient and requires modification or diesel engines.
  • I have seen some methods for refining human/plant/animal waste into biofuel.  I know that a family of four people can provide enough waste to cook for itself.  I have heard that a cow emits enough methane to cook itself.  I am not sure if this could be used to power vehicles though.
  • While I do agree with Eclipse_Now about making machinery that uses oil for the future sounds odd...because ...don't we want to get rid of the use of oil...there are some short term answers to that one...I think Algae BioFuel is the best.

    Maybe the real question is....should there be a new tools that can create biofuel from Algae...didn't see that in the list ?.. If it was discussed and ruled out, I am sorry I'm new to the site, so I have not had the time to go trough all the discussions yet...but I'll be trying.

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