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Have access to a university library? *Please grab these documents needed for NiFe battery dev.*
  • It's been a week now and no progress has been made on the NiFe batteries, because we still don't have these documents.  Can someone *please* retrieve them?  My understanding was that most library accounts are all-you-can-eat, i.e. these documents should be freely accessible to someone with an account.

    If you have an account through which you can access the peer reviewed literature, *please see the List of documents needed on the Nickel Iron battery page*.

    Then these can be legally shared with other developers who ask for them under fair use through email or e.g.

    I have hit the limit with the research through patents etc. at this
    point. It is clear that to proceed to producing a good plan for the
    battery prototype we need this information.

    My email address is in case you want it. Let's make some progress here.
  • 8 Comments sorted by
  • Forgive my ignorance if this question is obvious to everyone but me, but can't funds from truefan donations be used to purchase the necessary access?
  • Well it would be $400 just for the most important ones. That seems awfully steep.  I don't think we should have to pay that.  At all.  This information should be free, or affordable.

    Seriously, this makes me mad.  If hackers can steal credit card info so easily, I wish they would grab all of humanity's scientific knowledge - obviously a major part of civilization-  sometime, and put it on bittorrent. 

    Seriously, this is part of civilization, it should be accessible.  It doesn't even cost these people anything to produce the articles themselves.
  • I live in Berkeley CA. Usually you download any articles once you are on the college campus. I'll go over there and see how many of them I can find later today.
  • Welcome to the end-result of capitalism... natural scarcity insufficient to boost profit margins? Just create artificial scarcity!
  • I can understand private research being closed. But what really makes me mad is when publicly funded universities publish stuff, and you have to pay for access.

    By the way, if you write to the author of the publication, they can usually just send you a free copy. Many times they're allowed to share their published works and I think even host them on their own website.
  • Well? Any luck? Another day is gone.
  • Can you really get a copy of the published work from its author? Get ready to lick some stamps (metaphorically) cause I've got an extensive bibliography and we should just go fishing and accumulate as many things as we can. There may yet be a way of getting a free science and technology library.
  • I have a huge repository of books that I got from my days trolling the torrent sites... I'll see if I have anything...not sure that, what you are asking for is anything less then stealing ?...PDF's of books are out there somehow...and the fact that publishing companies are not perusing copyright infringement lawsuits on people sharing books online...if you didn't pay for it...and it cost money to get it... then you are ______ (fill in the blank)...not that I have any love for the (copyright infringement lawyers or large corporations)..

    I'll see what I can a mental note...I have probably 20 gigs of books on all walks of life...math, science, programming...ect... I have yet to organize it's probably on 3 different hard drives... but I'll look.

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