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machines and biology
  • I wonder when the ideas of  machines are made if there are made consideration about how for instance you should reduce soil compaction. Today there are quite big issue for farmers that they drive on the field to much and compact the soil to much and that effect the yield. I saw the small microtractor and wonder when it runs on the field how wide can the trench be made?

    Control traffic farming has some interesting ideas but mainly used with hi tech equipment.You can do fixed trails on the field if you have a small field it is good but the tractor need to have spread that are adjusted to the trench. This also important for the other machines aswell.

    I think it is important to consider biology when it comes to farming. A lot of farming today don´t, even when it comes to organic farming. Agroecology has a lot of go theories and practices. To combine and new machines and agroecology there can be made a sustainable and productive farming.

    I tried to see if there have been a discussion about farming theories and practices but haven`t found one. Maybe didn´t look enough.

    I study meal science and ecology. When it comes to the ecology it´s mainly focused on agriculture and we base it on agroecology. We have a focus on the first worlds food production of obvious reasons such as most systems aren´t resilient and sustainable.

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  • In terms of production and yields on my farm, recently I purchased a revolutinary farm management software to manage the planning and organization of production and management on farms and I am very pleased. Its components are really useful and facilitate the entire process of labor and management on farm fields, because in the effective way are a great substitute for the need of the human factor.
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    February 2015
    Mr. Ayhan is right.

    Agricultural machine designs should consider agro-ecological  aspects like soil compaction. Are there any studies on that?
    AFAIK the main problem is deep soil compaction caused by very heavy vehicles. Top soil compaction is only a temporary problem since those compacted areas can be easily loosened again.

    What vehicle weight or wheel loads are acceptable and what not?

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