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Hello from Saskatchewan!
  • Hi everyone! I currently work for a small but innovative agricultural equipment manufacturer called "Honey Bee". The company was started by two brothers making equipment they couldn't afford to buy new. In 1979 they built the most powerful 2WD tractor in the world (google Honey Bee Tractor to find details) - it cost $40,000 and still runs today (with over 6000hrs on it!).

    Using what I have learned in the shop and in the field I have been designing a modular swather (4', 8', 12' swath). I will share models in the near future.

    Gald to be a part of this group!  

  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • great stuff! let us know if you need help with anything.

    i searched and i saw a couple honey bee swath videos on youtube. didnt see info for the tractor itself tho. ill look again in a bit.
  • Just in case others are interested I'll post some pictures and the specs later today!
  • These were built in 1979 and 1981.

    The family has put
    around 8000 hrs on both of them. They still claim they are the nicest tractors they have driven. They
    ride really well, shape of the cab keeps the sun out, the seats swivel both ways. Hydraulically controlled drawbar.

    Greg & Glen Honey built them for around $40,000 each. They did
    it because they couldn't afford to buy a big tractor at the time. Honey Bee 1
    has a VTA1710 Cummins, and Honey Bee 2 had a KTA 1100, but switched to a 3406B Cat in
    it in the early 90's. 

    had hardly any tools to work with. They built their own band saw and hydraulic
    press for bending steel.

    When they went to take the tractor out of the shop it was too
    high so they had to let all the air out of the tires just to get it out.

    Honey Bee 1 with the VTA 1710 is set at 495 HP . The engine is capable of
    800 HP, but the transmission and differential would not stand up to that.

    Bee 2 has 425 horsepower with the Cat in it. When it had the KTA 1100 I think it
    was rated at 450 HP.



  • hello heijunka and a long distance hello from your neighbour Alberta

    I'm working on a project in India now.   Interestingly, there is a group of inventors and builders  in India  called the Honey Bee Network.

    My friend has a cabin up in CandleLake.  Beautiful.




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