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  • Since we are all scientists, let's think out of the box (again).

    Carbon Dioxide is in the atmosphere (CO2) in supposedly harmful quantities.  Hydrogen is in water (H2O).  Hydrocarbons (C + H) store the sun's energy and are the basis for all organic life.  For example, methane has one Carbon atom and four Hydrogen atoms (CH4).  We can create a synthetic hydrocarbon by combining C and H in an infinitely numbers of ways.  For example, we can create PMMA (plexiglass) with C and H.  Both C and H are abundant.  

    Now then, what if we use the sun's energy stored in hydrogen to generate electricity (solar electrolysis and then fuel cell) to generate plasma microwaves to crack a Carbon Dioxide molecule and reduce to Carbon Monoxide (CO)?  Then crack the carbon monoxide to make Carbon and Oxygen with a similar process.  We don't need the Oxygen, so release it at all stages.  What we should end up with is precipitated C.  What can be made with C?  

    Diamonds, specifically, bricks, sheets, tunnels, panels, arches, joists, girders, and so on.

    So for example, instead of filling a polymer plastic product, like PMMA (greenhouse material or home structures) with hydrogen, make pure diamond structures to do the same.  After all, Carbon shaped a certain way is diamond.

    Before I continue, any questions?

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  • Question #1:

    Cracking a ton (2,000 pounds) of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide and oxygen takes 12.08 gigajoules of energy.  To place this in perspective, one gigajoule will power a 60 watt light bulb for about six months or 277.8 kWh of electricity.  How much solar radiation collection area (two axis and stored using solar electroylsis with 45% efficiency) is needed in Mayfield, MO to run eight hours per day cracking at a one ton of CO2 to CO rate?

    With this link, you can discard most of it but it contains some of the numbers I used above.


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