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Eugen Tudorancea: web developer
  • Age: 24, Country: Romania
    I like the open source movement and projects that can make life easier, especially in the underdeveloped countries like mine.

    I work in web development as a front-end developer (JavaScript/HTML/CSS) I also know server-side scripting (php / Node.js <- javascript server-side),<br />I am also a content strategist and geek crazy (by nature). I have played in the past with Atmel Atmega microcontrollers (a little C programming),
    I can understand almost any programming language, but I can't be good in all.

    I joined to help with the documentation process and overall experience, so everyone can enjoy and build fast (and CHEAP, cause I don't have money to spend on corporate garbage)

    Feel free to contact me on skype: eugen.tudorancea
    Disclaimer: I work a lot for my job, so don't get frustrated if I don't have time to chat about nonsense on skype, I got work to do, you know.. :P

    Happy to be here, best regards!
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  • Welcome! It's great to have more people climbing on board to help with documentation.

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