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supporting human self-organization at Factor e Farm
  • I hear via Nick at the Sarapis Foundation (who I'm visiting right now) that some of my people skills might be of use at Factor e Farm. I'm also interested in helping Factor e Farm use Holistic Management, if y'all have any interest there (especially useful right now for infrastructure planning, I think). My experience in this realm includes being part of a 6-person collective running The Ecovillage Training Center in 2009, living in various collective households, taking the 2009 Carbon Farming Course, and working in Gaia University. Some of what I can offer:
    • * conversations to help individuals and groups figure out their current situation, their vision, and paths towards their vision. (vision clarification; action learning and healing pathway design)
    • * day-to-day action management support, including GTD-style tracking.
      (some friends/clients call this "executive enabling," like an executive
    • * conflict mediation, and activities to help keep communication flowing so fewer conflicts arise.
    • * reflect your situation back to you in bioregional terms (kind of like Transition Towns, permaculture, community organizing, with a Gaia-sort-of-worldview)
    • * community outreach and relationship building, as a piece of bioregional mapping
    • * in a perhaps-more-abstract way: I offer integration, helping integrate people with themselves, each other, and the rest of the ecosystem/universe.
    I can offer this via Internet, and also have the possibility of coming to Factor e Farm if that seems useful.

    (I also intend to take the GVCS/OSE/libre-everything show on the road in Argentina in August.)

    My offering is flexible, and my skills range in other directions too.

    Who do I get in touch with to see if the Factor e Farm crew can utilize me?
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Everything comes back to Marcin.
  • For what its worth, I think you'd be phenomenally useful in any situation like the FactorE. 
  • I just found out about the Factor e Farm convergence, and I might be available to come to all or part of it if my skills are requested. I think I could be very useful there, helping to increase the productivity and enjoyment of folks at convergence.

    @DavidIAM, thanks for your reflection! Let me know if there are any other places you think I'd be useful -- I'm mostly nomadic right now and I find great satisfaction in being well-utilized.
  • I'll be sure to let you know if I think of any thing, Patrick.

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