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Lightweight and Low Cost Living/Green Roofs
  • I first saw this concept here:

    and then some more here: green roofs

    It's basically UV resistant conduit, wire mesh (fencing), tarps/water barrier, 2-4" of compost and leaves, then some drought resistant edible plants and herbs.  He's claiming less than $1/sf, and I think it could be made for less, depending on local materials.

    Very interesting, and very doable.
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • I'd be concerned about how long such a structure would last. If you need to replace it every few years then neither is it green or cheap. The other thing is, how do you fix a leak in such a roof? I suppose you'd have to patch it from the underside because it wouldn't be possible to do so from the top.

    Perhaps replacing the tarp with pond liner instead would make it more sturdy.
  • yeah, pond liner would be better.

    This roof survived hurricanes, etc, so survivability should be pretty decent.  Another thing is that the tarp probably won't wear out too fast, as it is shielded from UV.
  • I'm going to try this concept with a recycled billboard tarp and a metal frame.  I'm locating potential local species that will work, and I think I've got at least 5 species spotted.

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