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Greetings from France
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    December 2012
    Hi friends,
    I'm Pierre. I'm a sustainable construction economist in France
    I learned about permaculture while I was in Belize in 2006.
    I've been researching eremology, agroecology and pedogenesis ever since.
    Ranging from Paul Stamets' mycoremediation, to Brad Lancaster's passive irrigation earthworks, I've also researched bio-sourced construction for professional purposes.
    I would like to help, if I can, make a sort of "Yeomans Plow" open-source, I could also help for a biomass pellet maker, RCW chipper, a hempcrete sprayer...
    I cruised the forum a little, saw aquaponics action, solar greenhouses too, I'll help if I can.
    If somebody can tell me now where I can post technical information about water treatment for review? (aerobic-anaerobic planted filters)
    I need time to translate.
    I also have around 1Tb of permaculture/construction/water related stuff for research I can share (you can also find on torrent or grab from streaming platform)
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  • Hello Pierre,
    we are starting ose in south of France, Permaculture will certainly be part of the experience we are going to make!
    we are based around Montpellier -
    you can join us on
    we are at the early stages and will send out news very soon and your knowledge will be of great help ;)

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