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Will Your Next Furnace Produce Biochar?
  • Will Your Next Furnace Produce Biochar? 
    By John Robb

    Are there new technologies that will zoom local production and improve our resilience?

    Of course.

    In fact, nearly all of the technology we need, can be developed by people tinkering with solutions and sharing the results online.

    Tinkering?  Yes.

    Tinkerers working in networks invented airplanes, light bulbs, and personal computers.  Tinkering networks operate on the simple idea that:

    • Lots of people prototyping solutions to problems and
    • sharing their results with lots of other people
    • can quickly invent and develop amazing solutions to difficult problems.

    The Challenge

    Here's an example of a tinkerer that has a pretty slick solution to a difficult problem:  Is there are resilient way to burn biomass locally?

    One of the solutions we've begun to explore is the conversion of a septic tank into a biogas system (see the earlier letter, "Don't throw away your Wealth" for more).

    Another solution is to develop a furnace or stove that uses (technical language alert -- beep, beep) gasification and pyrolytic processes that allow us to:

    • burn nearly any type of biomass feedstock (wood, husks, etc.),
    • in a smokeless/clean way (nearly zero smoke/fumes),
    • and produces biochar (an extremely useful soil amendment produced by pyrolysis) as its primary waste product.

    The closest I've seen to a simple technological design that would be appropriate for this is the Lucia Stove.  Here's a diagram for how it operates:


    While there is a more elaborate injection molded version of the stove available, there's also an the origami version for disaster relief and development that ships as four pre-cut slats of metal that can be easily cut and bent to build the stove (which means it is easy to purchase and test out as an alternative to a BBQ).   The team at the Haiti Clean Stove Project documented their construction of one here.


    Could this stove's design become the basis of a resilient furnace system?  Perhaps.

    With some more work (primarily an automated method for feeding/cleaning it and fail safes to prevent problems), it could be a resilient furnace or stove that you and I would be happy to use.


    Your guide to tinkering,

    John Robb


  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • I wonder what your insurance and mortgage company would say about you installing a DIY furnace. Probably nothing positive. Maybe if it sits in the yard and warms up water or generates electricity? Then it's not necessarily more of a fire danger than a BBQ. Of course there are usually laws against leaving a fire burning unattended. 
  • I like the stove design. I have contacted the design team to see if I can get blueprints so I can cut this out on the CNC.  I am making rocket stoves this afternoon.  It is slow going because my welder is not very friendly to working on sheet metal.  Something from .8mm stainless would be great.
  • You could braze it.
  • A complete brazing setup would cost about the same as a cheap TIG welder here

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