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convention ose booth?
  • heyo

    i was thinking i might run a small booth at a festival in my hometown.

    i figured i could bring print outs of machine build instructions and some flyers.

    thought about making a scale model lifetrac out of square dowel rods

    what are some ideas for stuff to bring or show?
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • A laptop playing one or more OSE videos. The introductory video on loop would be good especially if you can put it on a TV.  Marcin's TED talk would work. The D&H Tractor guys have a decent video that is a good example of independent replication, and it's for a good cause.
    Copies of the DVD document. Ideally on disc, but print outs would be good too. 
    Cheap: business cards (or tear-off flyers or something) with the main URLs for all the information on OSE so people can follow up later at home.
    Maybe one of those stupid square barcodes with a link to OSE's main webpage for the one person who has the app to use it.
    If you've got some time maybe you could build a lego version of the LifeTrac or CEB press or something so people can see it "work."
    Maybe FeF can mail you a block they pressed.
    Perhaps FeF can put together an up-to-the-minute "tour" of the current conditions at FeF so people can see what's going on right now.
    Maybe you can find someone in the area with a RepRap who will come set up at your booth or next to you. The RepRap, and the Arduino it's based on, is a great example of how well open source technology can work when it gets a dedicated community developing it. 

    I'll try to think of other stuff.

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