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Jeff near Chicago
  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Jeff and I live in a suburb of Chicago.  I have been following Open Source Ecology since September of 2011 but never really got around to posting anything.  I stopped in to read some more of the discussions last month and discovered the information on agile, lean and scrum that led me to Wikispeed.  I joined wikispeed immediately and that experience led me to actually finally post something here.

    I am a backyard suburban farmer and I dream of a future where urban farming puts a halt to the food "deserts" we have in the inner cities like in Chicago.  There are neighborhoods where it is impossible to buy fresh produce but every few blocks you can get factory fast food.  These same places have high incidence of unemployment.  That drives me nuts and I hope I can start something that changes that.

    In the meantime, I have a suggestion for another device that might be worth including as a supplement to the main construction set - its here at rodale:
    And it allows for organic no-till farming to work!  This is brilliant.  Take a look at the slideshow! You can also download the plans.

    One more thing -
    Is there anyway we could use the CEB press to make fire bricks?  I'm curious because it seems to me that these designs will go out to places in the world where metal is in less supply than earth ( *grin*) and the designs for the bread oven might be better served to be focused on something like the rocket stove design for a large bakery made from brick that you can find here:

    Glad to be able to add my voice!

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  • True...... I knew of the agile model since a while but this forum helped me discover wikispeed too.

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