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History of Factor e Farm?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down February 2012
    Hello, I'm interested in establishing a sustainable farm.

    When, and for how much money was the farm site acquired? How was the specific site chosen as the place where Factor e Farm would eventually be?

    What were the financial difficulties faced along the way and how were they overcome?

    How is internet connectivity brought to remote undeveloped sites? (If I remember correctly, one of the videos mentions internet being beamed by microwave to Factor e Farm?)

    On an unrelated note, there has been a lot of interest in the Solar Cubicle, but only the one video and a neglected page on the wiki providing information on it. Does it leak since it doesn't have a roof? Is the floor made out of 2x6s laid on the 2x4 studs? How well does that hold up? How would a cubicle hold up in thunderstorms, high winds, and other severe weather?

    Thank you very much.

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    February 2012
    i know that they have dsl. theyre close enough to maysville to get service.
  • Bumping this. Does no one know about the solar cubicles or the evolution to the current Factor e Farm?

    The history as I understand it was this:

    Urban Agriculture in Madison -> Garden plot on borrowed land -> Hydroponics experimentation -> Industrialized Scale Up

    How was the land acquired?
  • Yeah, I'm not sure. I got the impression Marcin bought it after he got his phd, then put it in some kind of trust. Not sure, tho.

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