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Why does Vanilla truncate posts?
  • I just tried to make a lengthy post, and it was truncated to about 1/4 or less of what I wrote in the text entry box.
    The "feed" posts are similarly cut off. 
    What gives? How can we change this behavior?
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Wolfrick,

    I apologize for this bug. Thanks for reporting that; I was not aware of it.

    I've created a test discussion on

    The first post there has 6096 characters, while the second has 6203.

    When I tried to post a third one with about 20400 characters, Vanilla didn't allow me to post, saying "Body is 12603 characters too long." in red. Fortunately, I didn't loose the text, as the page didn't reload.

    Do you remember if your post was longer than the one on the link above?

    I was using Firefox 3.6.13 for the test, and we are using Vanilla version Maybe the bug only happens on some browsers. What browser were you using?

    The bug you have described might happen with certain browsers only.

    Anyways, I'll report this on Vanilla's support forums.

  • I'm using Chrome 5 Portable.
    Sometimes I get an error that says something like "Body is required" even though I've written a body.
    When this happens I highlight the body, do a copy and a paste and it usually takes the text.

    When I made the post about an alternative to airfoil windmill blades, I wrote an extensive post directly into the body dialog box, and it seemed to accept the post with no errors or warnings. On reviewing the post, I noticed that it was truncated.

    I suspect you're right about different behaviors with different browser versions.

    Thanks for looking into it.

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