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Wiki Layout and Design Flow
  • Hey guys,

    I've been working on a mind map of how the wiki should be structured.  I'm trying to capture how the process flow will work with an iterative release process and parallel but different style projects (i.e. manual ceb press and automatic ceb press)

    Here's the link to the mind map:

    You can collapse and expand areas by clicking on the little "plus/minus" by the text box. Also there are notes on some of the text boxes for some of my further thoughts on it. I attached a screen shot of it, but you don't get access to the comments with it but should get the general idea.

    The basic idea is that you have the tool home page that has general information about what it does and then there is a design tree that shows the evolution of the designs in terms of what generation it is or design style (i.e. horizontal vs vertically oriented CEB Press). The nav bar on this page would have links to the "current released FeF design" but the design eveolution tree provides links to the other design styles and versions in an easily visible manner.

    Each version has it's own wiki and a nav bar on the top to the fields of R&D, Build and Operate, etc. specific to that tool. There can certainly be shared pages among versions but ultimately each should be able to stand on its own.

    I may have to do specific invite e-mails for editing, so if that's the case send me an e-mail or pm with your e-mail.

    I think this is a pretty big priority as it hasn't been addressed is going to lead to a confusing and crazy wiki (more so than it already is!). So lets work together on this and try and get at least a first version of the layout worked out!
    Design Process.png 146K

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