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Free Solidworks CAM add on

    "...SolidWorks 2010 or newer - download HSMXpress and begin to experience the benefits of a truly integrated CAM system for 2D and 2-1/2 D CNC programming and see how easy it is to create the programs that can turn your designs into real machined parts...Basic Milling Machining including 2D Roughing and Pocketing, Drilling, Facing, Contouring, and more...CNC program editor with file compare, math ops, backplotter, and communications...Seamless integration with the SolidWorks "

    Maybe this would help the people who are used to modeling in Solidworks and are looking for a CAM application to start auto-manufacturing some of the GVCS equipment. It's not open source, but nothing's perfect.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Cool looks neat Matt, you should edit that link into the wiki under CAM / Digital fabrication and maybe even make a page about it on the wiki noting some of the concerns in the comments.

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