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Renting in Maysville, MO
  • Anyone know what the housing situation is like in the area near Factor e Farm?

    Are there any apartments or houses for rent within a reasonable distance? What are the prices like?
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    October 2011
    there arnt any appartment complexes or anything in maysville. i think there might be a few places to rent but its like u have to call a number on a sign someone puts out front. could ask a realtor in the area maybe not sure. cameron would have some places for sure, its a 20+ min drive. no idea on prices.

    Housing is cheap around here.

    Maysville has more than it needs, but as a result, it is both cheap and there is little market to rent it out in.  As a result you're as likely to find a house that is vacant and unused as available to rent.

  • Thanks for the info.

    We have some life changes coming up and trying to decide what we want to do for the next couple of years.

    I definitely want to participate in Factor e Farm so the choice is between moving near you guys and working directly there - or - taking classes/joining a techshop or hackerspace here to learn and then building my own shop at home.

    Both options have their pros and cons. Moving near Factor e Farm would definitely be the most immersive and productive option from the looks of it but would require a lot of planning and uprooting even if only for a year or so.
  • The pony express RV park is around the corner, about 2 miles away.  You might consider that as an option too, if for some reason you don't want to (or can't) live onsite.

  • I don't have a problem with living on site. The thing is that I need to keep my current telecommuting job. I have a relatively flexible schedule and can reduce hours worked but I can't afford to outright quit. I don't think it would be fair for me to take up room at Factory e Farm if I can only contribute 60%-70% of my time while someone else could contribute 100%.

    If I find a house for rent and it has room I could even get room mates and we'd have even more living quarters for Factory e Farm participants.

    Anyways, my plans are still very much up in the air. I would also like to visit for a week to see what it will be like before I commit to this, maybe end of October or early December.
  • We needs help building with bricks!  Come, help build!
  • I'm assuming by end of October and early December you'll be done with most of that stuff.

    I could try to come earlier but it'd have to be for a much shorter period of time. My window of opportunity would be leaving on a Saturday evening and returning Tuesday early afternoon.

    Is there a particular week that would make the most sense for me to do that?

    We should probably take this conversation offline and discuss privately. My email is eukreign at gmail.
  • Methinks Eukreign is saying October when he means November.
  • You are correct Sir!

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