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How to get a wiki account
  • Nikolay wrote:

    Hi guys,

    again I got feedback that it is hard to find out how to register on the Wiki.

    It should be simple! Write - "REGISTER - send us your desired user name through the contact farm" and link REGISTER to the contact form.
    Here is too much text and I don't know why OpenID is the preferred method. Do we have some statistics about that? I guess most people are using non-openid accounts. Most people want JUST to register.

    Second critique - I would separate log-in from register! It is too confusing, and I don't think that the "log-in" information is useful to most people. Most people come to this section because they want to register an account. That's the important information here and it should be presented in a simple manner.

    Would be happy to hear your thoughts!


    I have made a few changes to clarify the whole thing. Most of the text from the wiki instructions regarding logins has been moved to
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Elifarley,

    here is what I meant:

    the goal is:
    * Use as few words as possible
    * Make it understandable with few words
    * Embed the action for creating the account in the beginning of the sentence so that the action can be taken as quick as possible by the user

    What are your thoughts?

  • Good points :)

    I've changed that page a bit more, please take a look...
  • the Summary box is perfect! I would be make it the most visible box on the Wiki Page for creating accounts. For example the only box with Color so that is clear - this is important.
  • Gregor wrote:

    Is it possible for you to put the "sign up" link on the login pages and the upper right hand corner of the wiki?  That's the place for it as in hotmail etc that is where it is so is where people expect to find it.

    After some research, it looks like the best option is to create a PersonalUrls hook.

  • I've created a hook and added it to LocalSettings.php. Now there should be a 'Create account' link at the far top right corner of all pages for non-logged-in users (you may need to empty your cache to see it).

    Here's the hook:

    function fnAddPersonalUrls( &$personal_urls, &$wgTitle ) {
    global $wgUser;

    if ( ! $wgUser->getID() ) {
    $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
    $urls[] = array( 'text' => 'Create account' ,
    'href' => $sk->makeUrl( 'How to get a wiki account' )
    $personal_urls = $personal_urls + $urls;

    return true;

    $wgHooks['PersonalUrls'][] = 'fnAddPersonalUrls';

  • Thanks, Elifarley, I did not know it was difficult, I assumed it was just a matter of popping an link in a stylesheet or something.

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