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  • as discussed in email threads elsewere, my priorties for the project (to be reflected in pivotal shortly), are:

    * integrate the team culturing survey with CiviCRM (either one of you can take this on, if you like, just tell me)
    * import Marcin's high rise contacts
    * make a video documenting how to use CiviCRM for Marcin (he just wants tags and email ability)

    A simultaneous goal is to give all the disparate elements of the website a consistent look, one with a top navigation bar to move between the landing page, forums, wiki, blog, and so forth. To do this, I intend to use Wordpress for the landing page content. Then I'll subsume all of the other content on the website (these Vanilla forums, Marcin's blog) under the same WP template. The Wiki evidently can't be subsumed, so I'll make its template look like WP's. Isiaih will help me refine these afterwords. 

    Also we're looking for web engineers to help us evaluate a framework for the project overview pages and blogosphere. The CiviCRM project should help us find these people. I may evaluate frameworks on my own in the meantime; Mark, you have experience here it sounds like, feel free to chime in. 

    Thanks guys

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • @vann
    > The Wiki evidently can't be subsumed

    What about in an iFrame?  Is that even worth considering (given the troubles that iFrames can cause).

    > a framework for the project overview pages

    I left a comment in the other thread.  What sort of framework are you looking for?  Do you have specific capabilities in mind?

    - Mark
  • Yes, an iframe is the first thing everyone thinks of! Elifarley said the wiki can't be subsumed; it already uses iframes, I notice, but I haven't looked beyond that into it; feel free to do so! I'll add it to Pivotal. I'd much prefer not to have to make two templates.

    I think you're already very familiar with the scope of this project: the project overview pages for each tool, with each page hooking into multiple web services like Pivotal, Holla/Campfire,  either embedding or linking them, or using their APIs. Users would be associated with CiviCRM records. These project pages are also tied in with Eerik's blogosphere idea.  Most of these components have APIs. 

    And, like me, you're also a web developer. Which web frameworks are you familiar with? How would you approach it? Would you use an MVC framework, or an event driven framework? 

  • If the project overview page is just a launching point for various services, then I doubt it needs the power of any particular framework.  While I'm familiar with both model-view-controller and event driven frameworks, why use a hammer on a push pin?  I am a great believer in simplicity.  What are the requirements that call for anything beyond a simple list of links?

    - Mark

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