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Wage Slavery
  • I have heard the term bandied about, but I am not sure about it.  Could someone explain "wage slavery"?
  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • For me it means your wage is just enough to allow you to survive but not to thrive.  Living pay cheque to pay cheque.  Living like this means you're a well fed hamster on a tread mill....:)

    The Dawg
  • So, in your usage, it would mean that you have enough buying power to survive, but not enough to thrive (according to your personal definition)?
  • I have bent my mind slightly to the topic, I found an interesting entry on Wikipedia.
  • Quote: "So, in your usage, it would mean that you have enough buying power to
    survive, but not enough to thrive (according to your personal

    More or less yes.  When you're just wealthy enough to be stable and not riot, but no where near wealthy enough to thrive, you're a wage slave.  Now in my mind this is assuming you are living simply.  If someone is just living beyond their means (fancy house, boat, cottage....etc), I wonder if you could call them a slave?  Maybe a self imposed slave is still a slave of a different color?

    This is a topic close to my heart.  I believe modern society tries to keep most middle class right there.  Makes good workers that don't cause problems.  They are struggling too much to think about change.  In the end, I feel the only way to overcome that challenge, is to not play.

    I am in the process of forming a group here in Vancouver that will try and use a basic set of GVCS tools, Earthship building techniques and eco friendly farm/ranching ideas to try and build a way of living that presumably would free people from this situation.  Low overhead means freedom.  Freedom to just be.  Freedom to think.  Freedom to relax and participate in community.  Freedom to study and do R&D.  "Man Caves" in every home!  Maybe even have the time to listen to the Earth and live closer to it rather than fighting the natural rhythm of things.

    I'm thinking "Open Source Living" would be a nice name.

    I would love to live like this.  How about you?

    The Dawg
  • A relevant Jethro Tull Song:

    Listen and be motivated.
  • Dawg, you reminded me of my history of education classes.  Early public education was centered on creating a sense that we were living in a meritocracy while designing us to be factory workers.
  • Early public education?  Education *STILL* does that.  And Dawg, I would love to live like that.
  • I guess the amusement is that in the early days they were straight forward about it.  Similar to how they used to openly state that products should be made to break as quickly as possible without causing the loss of customers.  Presently we believe our lies and do not notice that the system works differently.  We believe in the meritocracy and we believe that public education creates/encourages it.
  • Being a wage slave is not a way to go through life. With some creative thinking and a little additional effort, you can break out and be happier. There are some ways on How to avoid the stagnation of wage slavery. The following are some ways to ensure that even while you're working, you do not become a wage slave: live frugally, stay out of debt, earn money on your time, and expand your skills. To be successful means taking risks. It will help you to become strong as well as learn a living.
  • Becareful not to move from being a wage slave to a farm slave. There is more work involved with being self-sufficient, than being a wage slave. Not to mention the prolonged periods of self-doubt and discouragement.


    Wine helps me cope.  ;)

  • "I believe modern society tries to keep most middle class right there.  Makes good workers that don't cause problems.  They are struggling too much to think about change.  In the end, I feel the only way to overcome that challenge, is to not play."
    "Being a wage slave is not a way to go through life. With some creative thinking and a little additional effort, you can break out and be happier."

    There isn't anyone tailoring "modern society" to a desired state. There is just a system that emerges from a lot of people interacting. Most of those people are comfortable. They might not be fully self-actualized, but that is hardly a necessity. Just because most people choose comfort over independence doesn't mean they're being controlled or brain washed. Very few people are actually unhappy depending on the largess of others. 

    As a standard for success, happiness is overrated anyway. 

    I understand the emotion behind the term "wage slavery" but I think it's a misleading phrase. It's poetic, but not informative. Slavery means you are legally someone else's property. "Wage slavery" is, at best, a metaphor that should not be abused. Being powerless is not the same as being enslaved. Sure, it sucks, and it might suck just as hard, but the two situations are fundamentally different. 

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