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Let's buy these documents for NiFe dev now
  • It's been another 6 days and it looks like no one is going to be able to get these documents for us for free.  I have therefore narrowed it down to the most important docs, which I think are well worth the money and will enable further progress:

    6 v 60Ah nickel iron battery but couldn't find where to purchase it, emailed the people apparently in charge of the journal , definitely want this one and the other one cic due to the high charge efficiency

    Nickel--Iron Battery Development in CECRI.

    On the key importance of homogeneitynext term in the previous termelectrochemical performance of industrial positive active materialsnext term in previous termnickel batteriesnext term

    Electrodes: Iron
    Electrodes: Nickel

    total cost: less than $200.  Can't find where to buy the first 2 but they look important. The rest are available through

    To justify the expense:

    Since it is part of OSE goals to produce stuff that is at least as good as close source stuff, and close source companies know all this stuff and much more, we can't expect to compete without knowing it.  It's way cheaper and easier to buy the knowledge than to recreate it through prototyping. 

    Ideally we would have real access to this sort of information, and frankly I think it is an inefficient use of time and effort to try to proceed without it, but better to forge ahead with modest access and get a first prototype than wait around forever, as seems to be happening, hopefully coming up with a saleable Version 1.0 that will at least be cheaper on a kWh basis than closed source batteries.  A bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush.

    It occurs to me that people might not think there is any point in buying these docs without when there is no expert working on the project to interpret and make the best use of them.  However they will still be around if/when an expert shows up, and they are still plenty useful to the rest of us too.  I think these should get us to the point where we can make a good plan for the version 1.0 prototype, as together they should answer several of the key questions like how to get the best efficiency and the best active material utilization in a pocket plate electrode. 

    Also, unless said person is already an expert on nickel iron batteries specifically, which is highly unlikely, they will still need the info to get themselves up to speed.

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Great job gregor digging in and finding the relevant articles. Your time spent on this is of value. We'll find a way to get these articles.
  • Is it possible to simply send an email to them explaining what we do and how the articles will help and see if they can give them to us?

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