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Merging domains
  • It has been suggested that we should choose either or as our main domain name, since having multiple domain names can be confusing. The other domain would then simply redirect people to the main one.

    Question 1: Should we have only one main domain while the other simply redirects to the main one, or we should keep 2 different domains with 2 different contents ? Why?

    Question 2: if all content should go to one domain only, which domain should be the main one? Why?

    See also Nathan's thoughts on this.
  • 17 Comments sorted by
  • Thanks for opening the discussion. I might as well share my opinion here as well:

    Question 1:
    I think we should have one main domain. Reasons:  it would just be less confusing, would remove the need for iframes, and would be easier to manage the index of child pages (i.e. wiki, forums, etc.)

    Question 2: should be the main domain. Firstly, the main site on that domain is well-designed and will be the first page that people see. Secondly, the wiki page on has the title "The Open Source Ecology wiki". So if that is the chosen branding, then it would make sense to keep the domain consistent with the page title.

    As a side-note, the promotional videos on vimeo could be re-edited to refer users to instead of
  • I think we should merge the domains, I thought this was always the plan. Its definetly a problem having two domains.

    Do people like using the wiki when it is inside the frame? If it were consistent and never broke out, would that be fine? I don't contribute to the wiki, but I designed the site, so I'm interested to hear from wiki contributors about their opinion here. I'm designing for them as much as for our general non-contributing audience.

  • @elifarley I vote just

    @isaiahsaxon  Can we just have the wiki without the frame? If for no other reason than it taking up wiki space and creating the "frame-feel", which I think it more 90s...
  • Hey everyone,

    Question 1. A single domain reduces potential confusion; especially for people falling on the wiki from a search engine, having a single domain and design reduces the work required to understand (it's not much work, but considering the average person stays less than 8 seconds on a page the less effort needed the better I think). Also, removing the iframe when viewing from would allow people to send links to specific pages they find interesting (for those people who don't know is the backend).

    Question 2. I think should be the domain.

    Technically speaking, the Apache Mod_rewrite can completely control the URL's of the server, so all pages can be directed to the new pages automatically at the server level (search engines can also be notified of the change and so carry over all the page rankings of the old page to the new page).
  • @isaiahsaxon - Gmail log-in is not working in embedded MediaWiki.

    I too vote for - simple, clear, that's the name of the project.
  • Opensoureecology seems hint at more of a philosophical/ideological/social movement. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it seems that it might be possible to be effective as a special interests group. Like the IEEE or Bluetooth SIG - we're here for a variety of reasons, the result being we to develop technology. The IEEE seems to be more effective in getting things done, in my opinion, than any political or social organization that I know of.

    That being said, I don't think its too big of a deal. I just want to consciously bring to everyone's attention the type of organization we're building. I honestly can't say which is the better path. One good thing about the strictly technical path is that there generally aren't "schisms" - technology is technology, it either works or doesn't, either pays for itself or doesn't. Social movements can be more powerful but are also more sensitive.
  • @ nathanf77 - What he said!  Several people I've sent our way have said they just couldn't find anything.  I think this idea will be heading in the right direction for sure.  Thanks Nathan!

    The Dawg
  • My preference is to have one domain: - it's a bit longer than, but it's weird to type openfarmtech when you want to go to Open Source Ecology's site.
    However, @jeb would rather use because it's shorter and faster to type.
    @isaiahsaxon , which domain do you prefer, and why?

    I intend to merge the domains in a week or sooner.
  • Ditto the consensus. 

    1: merge 'em!


    It's the mission, movement, and echoes a much larger vision than just some farm technology.

    PS: random note. Any chance we could acquire related domains and redirect?

    opensourceecology (dot) com?
    OSE (dot) org
    OSE (dot) com

    All of these are domain parked and are not being used. has a nice ring to it as well.


  • I agree you should merge them. 

    1) You could keep (semi) permanently, just have it redirect to a URL under the main domain, like

    2) Should inspiration strike in the future, a shorter domain name could replace, with the old one redirecting to the new.

  • Redirecting one to another is better than nothing for sure. Just make sure deep URLs redirect and serve properly as well.  Btw, here was our chat from earlier and link to our previous threads on this topic too, just for cross referencing and some of my reasoning for supporting the original domain over the longer new one. (I'd support if we could get it of course.) Have we also secured the dot coms to avoid conflicts with anyone who might grab those in the future?

    [5/31/11] Jeb Bateman: Hmmm, yeah it looks like I'm pretty much outvoted at this point, except maybe for Jason.
    I wonder why Marcin chose in the first place though? AFAIK the project was always called Open Source Ecology.
    Seems against common sense to replace a shorter domain with a longer one, especially if typing the longer one in redirects seemlessly anyway. Oh well.

    [5/31/11] elifarley: it may be good to post these reasonings there, so that everyone is aware

    Previous threads on this in the IT group --
  • Ok, I'll say openfarmtech since someone else seems to like it, for these reasons:
    1) Shorter, obviously.
    2) Easier to spell, easier for someone to remember when you verbally tell them. Ecology isn't a particularly common word.
    3) More direct about the whole topic....less mushy if you will. Of course it goes back to my post above - it all depends on what the exact goals of the organization are.

    Anyway, I'd definitely keep both domains. Perhaps later on we may want to split things off - openfarmtech could be a for-profit organization selling pre-built equipment and offering services, and opensourceecology could be the non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness and things like that.
  • The nice thing of using redirects is that we can use as a shortcut for the longer form

    So, if you think the shorter domain is easier to remember or faster to type, just use that :)

    The difference between now and before the merge is that we had 2 different domains with 2 different contents.

    Now, the shorter domain simply redirects to the longer one, so you're free to type or tell someone any of them.

    Another example of a shorter domain redirecting to a longer one is William Spademan's Common Good Bank:

    Short domain:  (redirects to the longer one below)

  • The domain has expired long ago now. So I finally took the time to perform some additional changes to avoid problems like the one reported by jason0 ( site missing?).

    (Tips taken from

    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';

    UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','') where guid like '';
    UPDATE wp_posts SET pinged = replace(pinged, '','') where pinged like '';

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';
    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';
    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';
    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '';

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '') where post_content like '%';

    UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'','');

    UPDATE wp_users SET user_url = replace(user_url, '','') where user_url like '%';
    UPDATE wp_comments SET comment_author_url = replace(comment_author_url, '','') where comment_author_url like '%';
    UPDATE wp_comments SET comment_author_url = replace(comment_author_url, '','') where comment_author_url like '%';

    I still need to update references to emails of the form And the wiki pages all need to be updated too.

  • I've updated one table from the wiki site: wiki_externallinks

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./weblog', '')
    where el_to like '';
    # 440 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./index.php?title=', 'org.opensourceecology./wiki/')
    where el_to like '';
    # 230 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./index.php/', 'org.opensourceecology./wiki/')
    where el_to like '';
    # 15 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./w/index.php?', 'org.opensourceecology./w/index.php?')
    where el_to like '';
    # 14 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./wiki', 'org.opensourceecology./wiki')
    where el_to like '';
    # 167 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./forum', '')
    where el_to like '';
    # 37 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./images/', 'org.opensourceecology./w/images/')
    where el_to like '';
    # 4 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'org.openfarmtech./w/images/', 'org.opensourceecology./w/images/')
    where el_to like '';
    # 4 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'http://org.openfarmtech.', 'http://org.opensourceecology.')
    where el_to like '%';
    # 139 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'http://org.openfarmtech.www.', 'http://org.opensourceecology.')
    where el_to like '%';
    # 4 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'http://org.openfarmtech.microfundingtest.', 'http://org.opensourceecology.test.')
    where el_to like '%';
    # 12 rows affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'http://org.openfarmtech.mirror.', 'http://org.opensourceecology.mirror.')
    where el_to like '%';
    # 1 row affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, 'http://org.openfarmtech.webmail.', 'http://org.opensourceecology.webmail.')
    where el_to like '%';
    # 1 row affected.

    UPDATE wiki_externallinks SET el_to = replace(el_to, '', ''),
    el_index = replace(el_index, '', '')
    where el_to like '';
    # 10 rows affected.

  • Another batch of updates on the wiki. This time, via the ReplaceText extension:

    \[http:\/\/openfarmtech\.org\/index\.php\?title=([^] |]*)[ |]([^]]*)\]

    \[http:\/\/openfarmtech\.org\/index\.php\?title=([^] ]*)\]

    \[http:\/\/openfarmtech\.org\/wiki\/([^] |?]*)[ |]([^]]*)\]


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