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Tractor tracks alternative
  • Here's an older alternative to tracks.  It has the advantage of being very buoyant with close to 100% traction:

  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • An interesting concept, but one that seems best suited to snow, though it might be good in mud, too.  Note that the helical tubes slide over the ground as they rotate.  On rocky ground, that would put a LOT of wear on the tubes - which look like rubber to me.  Nice find.

    - Mark
  • it is excellent in mud, swamps, even water.  the tubes are metal, not rubber.  they have the advantage of a lot more traction than tracks, and easier to replicate.
  • @VelaCreations - I'm not sure about easier to make.  It looks like it would be a challenge actually.  Combine that with the huge amounts of friction between the screws and hard ground and I'm not sure how many application it would be good for.

    In certain circumstances it would definitely shine.  Swap land being one of them.

    I enjoyed the video, thanks.

    The Dawg
  • I saw an example of someone using plate steel, rolling it and welding into a drum, tapering the ends, then welding the spiral.  It didn't look difficult.

    It's basically a vehicle that would never get stuck.  It could be amphibious, do fine in sand, swamp, mud, snow, etc.

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