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Stephen Pahl from Solarmax Farm
  • this message was sent by Stephen Pahl:

    I see by reading the OSE's Wiki that your hoping to create a farm in the near future of resonable size that should be able to feed between 100 – 200 people using sustainable permaculture practices. Be easily reproducible, widely adaptable, using low & high tech, offering a wide variety of crops & livestock, provides genebanking facilities and capable of year round harvest

    Well then, I guess I should tell you about Solarmax Farm ( ), a 4 year design process, completed, backed up with over 20 years of research and designed specificity to address all of those issue and a whole lot more. Solarmax has also been designed and configured to offer Agricultural Study and Research facilities, onsite or online Education & Training programs and provide for Public Outreach programs & public relation efforts.

    I'd like to offer Solarmax Farm's design as jumping off point for OSE's Farm Design and would like to offer my help in developing a design for your location. If I can be of service, don't hesitate to contact me.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Another important piece to the big puzzle. There is no point having all these abilities and nothing to do. In the end, having smart home designs and solid farming/ranching techniques, is one of the whys of what we're doing.

    Welcome Stephen.

    The Dawg

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