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Alternative currency
  • Has OSE considered creating its own alternative currency? I think it might be a good idea, because OSE is an international organization and the value of the U.S. dollar is not anchered to anything. It could be a great way to trade within the organization. OSE Bucks would have a constant value, and could be earned by donating, sweat equity, or attending workshops. They would need to have a realistic limit on when they can be exchanged for dollars (e.g. waiting one year, buying materials, supplemental income).
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • I think the best candidate could be something like , check out the project.
  • If OSE does crypto-currency (alternative currency) in the future and goes with one that already exists, then it would probably need to be open source.  Some of the FairCoin details are difficult to understand.  I don't see how the following is practical: "FairCoin is the first project where the coins are not bought but rather distributed equally between everyone who wants them regardless of their current financial status, and promotes equality."

    In my mind, one of the main reasons for doing alternative currency is to have a currency with a more constant value.  Promoting equality is a great reason also.


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