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Fundraising/awareness with cups, T-shirts, stickers, etc.
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    November 2012

    I am new here so I don't know forum rules about posting, so please forgive me if I am breaking any. I was wondering if there is any merchandise, planned or otherwise, which is available. I signed up to be a True Fan already, but I would love to show my support in other ways. I am already getting more people into the movement, and I may have convinced a co-worker to sign up to be a True Fan as well. Are there any other designs/logos besides the OSE logo? I like the logo, but I would love to be creative with it. I don't have any art skills, but I am sure I could find someone who could make cool logos or art based on the OSE ideology. I may only be in pre-calc, but I can still give my money and time!

    So does anyone know if the OSE logo is under a Creative Commons licence?

    Please and Thank You.

    PS I want to make a T-shirt so bad.
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