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CEB Basics Inquiry
  • Hello, In trying to get up to speed on the basics of compressed earth blocks, a few things come to mind.

    The feed stock is compressed in a cavity with straight sides such that it seems considerable force is needed to extract the newly formed block. If so, this could damage the block while it is still in a fragile state. A mold with draft might release the block without forcing it and prevent damage.

    It seems a common log splitter could be configured to compress free standing molds, then still be free to split wood or bend metal pipe, press olive oil or other functions. The mold filling could be done with a stand alone sifter/shaker thingy. Rollers could connect the elements or just use people. If the mold filling rate is different than the pressing or stacking rates the number or each unit or personnel could be adjusted.

    Am I all wet? Is this the proper place to ask? Thanks.
    Kirk Wallace
    California, USA

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