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eBell says hello
  • hi everyone!

    My name is evan and i'm from canada. I just finished my honours in economics at the university of waterloo. i'm interested in scalable resilient economic systems, agronomy, construction technology and a whackload of other stuff.

    since finishing uni i've been working as a farm hand, contractor and handyman and am really excited by all the new construction technologies being developed by OSE! super cool stuff marcin et al.

    i think i first heard about ose from the maker community of sites a few years ago, can't really remember. looking forward to helping out within the online community of OSE.

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  • thanks for the welcome, ebell, and thanks for the input. it will only help me in the future. and yes, i did spell that wrong and perhaps included a run-on sentence or two, but I did write that in a big rush at work under the radar so to speak. it took me about 10 minutes and i am surprised that there wasnt even more mistakes. you sound interesting and i wish you all the luck in the future.






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