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Rabert von Dahrenhorst, from Germany
  • Hi there, I've just seen, that I haven't introduced myself yet.

    I'm well into my 50s, born near the dutch border in Germany. After acquiring my trade college diploma I joined the German Air Force to become an Officer, and after three years of training I got my commisiion and a deployment to a multinational NATO unit as a ground defence officer and training officer. In the second half of the eighties I studied political science, philosophy and history at a Germany university. For nearly all of the 80s I studied some economy and business administration part-time at German distance learning universities. Since the late 80s I earn my money as a management consultant, first mainly for business process design and re-design, since the mid of the last decade mainly in the field of risk management, contingency planning and crisis management. I have my own company in partnership with a friend, and recently created a new company, which tries to establish a new system of local news for a local audience, utilizing internet technology.

    I'm married without children and live in Hannover area in northern Germany. Because I do not have children of my own, I made the world my child and try to safe it, what I spend the majority of my free time for. For recreation, I love to read, favourably SciFi stories, and watch movies. I'm one of those people who are told to have two left hands, but I'm asked frequently, when there is a non-technical problem to be solved. With one exception: I'm the computer repairman within the circle of my friends.

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