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Stats on this community. How many are participating?
  • Is there a way to view some stats on this community?

    How many people have joined the forum?
    How many people post per day?
    How many people are writing on the wiki?
    How many people view the wiki?
    Total number of posts?
    Total number of wikiarticles?
    Other stats?

    I believe such stats ought to be displayed more prominently.
    If they are not collected they should be!
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • I'd say ask Elifarley for acces to the data and organize it. I also think it can be usefull.
  • We use MediaWiki for our wiki, and it provides some statistics out-of-the-box:

    Our forum also provides some statistics. In the list of discussions, you can see how many people are following a discussion, how many comments were made to that discussion, and how many people have viewed the discussion:

    There's also a dashboard (visible to forum admins only):

    However, I think there's no option to make it visible.

    We also use Google Analytics (I'll have to check how to publish the stats).

    I'll see if there's a way of embedding this information on a wiki page.
    forum-stats.png 104K

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