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Canadian living in Japan
  • Hello everyone

    My name is Glen, I grew up in rural Canada (Alberta) and I am teaching English in Japan right now.  I have a small garden in my front yard in Japan, so that is my connection to the land at the moment.

    I studied Glottalization and Development in University and went to rural Mexico, Cuba, and traveled across India as part of my studies.  I am a huge fan of open source, the spread of information, and empowering people so that they can control their own lives.

    I am happy to have found this community.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • howdy glen, what part of japan? ive been to banff/calgary a few times, the drive up is nice. i think someone on the forum is from edmonton.
  • I am living on the island of Hokkaido, in the Furano valley.  It is a nice place surrounded by mountains, fresh air, and far enough away from nuclear reactors and tsunamis that it is perfectly safe (although I do live next to a volcano).  Hokkaido is the most northern island and second largest next to the main island. 

    I am actually from the Edmonton area too.  I am glad that you enjoyed your drive when you came to banff/calgary.  That part of Alberta is pretty much what Hokkaido looks like, except a lot more people here, and less open space.

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