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Santan arizona
  • Hello, my name is John. I am looking to build my own home in the Santan soon. I have been reviewing all the equipment and resources needed to build my own settlement. What I plan for is to buy 3-4 acres and building a 6 foot wall around it. I will also build a 600-900sf home with 1-2 200sf buildings. I invasion my buildings taking advantage of more passive cooling/heating technologies. I will be off the power grid and buy a tank to store water. I also will build a farm within these walls and maybe a small pond. That is why I am here. I hope to build this all with the help of some friends and maybe some man well. I hope to finish this project and live no less than 80% off grid within 4 years.


    Also about me, I am in the US ARMY and am working for my masters in Aerospace. And I have little construction experience.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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