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Alexandra Haché from Spain
  • Alexandra Haché wrote:

    Dear Mr Jakubowski
    My name is Alexandra Haché and I am currently developing an exploratory study on the "Business and sustainability models for OER" which is part of a broader research on the use and potential of OER/OEP for education and training in Europe.
    This research is being undertaken by the European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (in particular its action on ICT for Learning and Inclusion action), on behalf of DG Education and Culture, to better understand concrete advantages and bottlenecks to mainstream the use of OER and to implement OEP in Europe that support learning needs of all Citizens.
    At this stage of the research, I am planning to interview 12 experts related to the development of Open Educational Resources across a broad spectrum of practices (practitioners, researchers, teachers, activists, innovators etc). This is why I would like to invite you to contribute to this study by accepting being part of my panel of interviewed experts.
    If you are interested in contributing to this study and/or to next research developments please let me know as soon as possible so we can plan the best moment to include your insights on those topics. I am planning to develop the interviews until end of June and the report should be published in October 2012.
    Regarding the interview, we can make it either by phone, skype or I can send you a guideline of the questions and you can write me back your answers. If you wish to contribute, inform about which day and time suits you better and I will organise myself (if possible pick a day between Monday and Friday ;-).
    Finally, I send to your attention my last report for DG INFSO (Information Society) regarding the contribution of the Third Sector to eInclusion policies in order to provide you with an idea of what the final report will look like. (Under the radar: The contribution of Civil society and third setcor organisations to eInclusion policies).
    If you have any questions or comments please contact me.
    Kind regards,
    Alexandra Haché
    European Commission
    DG JRC
    Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

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