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Hello, Kieran in the UK
  • Hello,

    Very interested in the GVCS project, and the sustainability movement more generally.  

    I am not an engineer and Im unfortunately not very good at building things.  I am due to graduate as a (medical) doctor in the next few month and have also done a masters in global health, which includes aspects of public health, medicine and development studies.

    Not that I want to add to the workload of everyone here but I thought I would throw in my 2 cents as there isnt any real discussion of health or healthcare here.  My interest is initially in discussions regarding the provision of the basics for health:  clean water, sanitation and good food (although the project already seems well directed towards the latter).  I would also be interested in discussions about providing rudimentary community healthcare as there are some basic things that can be done cheaply and simply that could make a big difference.

    Clean water seems like a priority however, and any cheap innovations developed here would be truly groundbreaking and could save literally millions of lives worldwide.  The world has been waiting for a solution to this problem for a long time.
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  • Hello.

    It's a bit long, but the TEDMED video ( about some of the things Dean Kamen has been working on is pretty interesting. His company developed a device that can purify 1000L of water per day from any source. In the video he talks about the frustration he had when the United Nations and the World Health Organization said they didn't want to be involved. On the bright side, Coca Cola stepped up. Building on the technology he has been developing for dialysis devices over the past few decades, he agreed to work on their new fountain drink dispensers in exchange for the use of their distribution network (perhaps the best in the world). I haven't really heard of any new developments for quite a while, though.

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