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Crazy complicated wine de-corking machine
  • When you hear the bell your wine is uncorked.  :))
    How do you stay healthy? How do you store your food and drink? How do you design comfort?
    Entertainment, food, and wine allow people to be creative, without it... useless machines are developed. Work hard and drink wine and eat right.  Share your ideas about storing food, freezing food, cooking food, with alternative methods such as solar-hydrogen. Show me real everyday ways to enjoy the comforts of a harvest.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
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    That is a high dollar glass of wine!  More calories used in the machine than what was in the wine, but not resveratrol..

    Effect on testosterone levels

    Korean study showed that trans-resveratrol supplementation increased testosterone levels in mice in vivo,[94] which has led to its marketing as a bodybuilding supplement. A Spanish study has also shown the antioxidant to increase sperm production in rats.[95]

  • Oz, that useless de-corking machine was exactly my point! It was a very complicated energy sucking monstrosity. It wasn't fun to watch either, because the mechanics stressed me out, and then....there went all my fine feelings of comfort.

    I suppose increased testosterone levels can lead to better health and creativity. I haven't researched male reproduction, but it is an interesting topic... and so is Agricultural Tourism and Economic Development. ;)

    It's a fabulous way to promote sustainable projects and educate others. ATED (Agricultural Tourism and Economic Development) works well with Farm to School programs that provide fresh produce to local schools and/or institutions which also provide a source of income to the project. Promoting ideas and concepts to school age children ensure the practice is adopted by that generation.... so the concept takes root within the culture and it's not just a crazy idea that lingers away.

    Unless you are planning to create your own village with your offspring from extremely high testerone levels... that's another plan, but programs that educate kids can go hand in hand with an open source approach.

    As for a point from my original request .... I choose glass, ceramic and stainless steel over plastic whenever possible. These materials are long-lasting, and can often be transferred directly from the pantry or fridge to the oven or microwave, and – most importantly, they won't leach chemicals into the food. For long term storage dehydration is a prefered method along with canning. 


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