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New forum landing page
  • I've changed the forum landing page from "Categories" to "Categories & Discussions".

    I think it might give a better idea of the current discussions going on at each category.

    Possible landing pages are:

    - Discussions (this is the default option for this forum software)

    - Categories (this is what we used to show)
    - Categories & Discussions
    - Activities

    Anyway, no matter what the landing page is, you can access some of those pages by clicking on these links:

    - Discussions: Click on the "Discussions" link at the top of the forum page (just below the "Open Source Ecology Forums" text)
    - Categories: Click on the "Categories" link at the right side of the forum page
    - Categories & Discussions: no link yet
    - Activities: no link yet

    Please let us know your opinion on this.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Much improved, thanks.

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