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Applying TRIZ to open source hardware
  • I wonder if anyone here has some practical experience with TRIZ.
    Should we try to apply TRIZ to help the development of GVCS machines ?


    "TRIZ is "a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool derived from the study of patterns of invention in the global patent literature". It was developed by Soviet engineer and researcher Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues, beginning in 1946. In English the name is typically rendered as "the theory of inventive problem solving", and occasionally goes by the English acronym "TIPS". The approach involves identifying generalisable problems and borrowing solutions from other fields. TRIZ practitioners aim to create an algorithmic approach to the invention of new systems, and the refinement of old systems.
    TRIZ enables the generation of new ideas and solutions for problem solving. It is intended for application in problem formulation, system analysis, failure analysis, and patterns of system evolution. Splits have occurred within TRIZ advocacy, and interpretation of its findings and applications are disputed."

    The TRIZ Matrix is a database of known solutions (principles) able to overcome contradictions. I.e, You need a static object to be longer without becoming heavier. This is a contradiction. The improving feature is ' #4, length of stationary object ' and the worsening factor is ' #2, weight of stationary object '. Use the matrix to discover possible ways of solutions, the principles.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hello;

    I have experience using TRIZ to solve engineering problems. How can I help?

    Jack Standeven
  • Hi Jack,

    Thanks for offering your experience to help us.
    Please pick some engineering problems faced by any of the GVCS machines and try to find a good solution to it.

    Maybe you want to take a look at the Open Source Car discussions going on at
    Or maybe you want to help with the industrial robot, or the gasifier burner...

    For anyone else who's developing a given GVCS machine: please post a comment below telling the current engineering problems you are trying to solve and maybe @Jack_Standeven can give you some help.


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