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Physical Locations/People
  • It would be good to have Physical Locations.  Like where are the people who are doing these neat things located.  They should think about have meetings at least once a month so people can come out and see what's actually happening on the ground.  There should be a list of 'sites' where this stuff is happening, rated like: 'established - active', 'desired', etc...

    If I wanted to come and tent for a month somewhere, where in the heck do I go?  This would be great in moving people along the commitment curve.  From casual observers to hardcore fans.


  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down February 2012
    I made this up real quick, .  I can edit/maintain it if people decide to use it.
  • Agreed.  It would be great to meet and work with like minded people in local areas.  People could get together and replicate GVCS tools, field test them, attract attention to the project, raise money for OSE, etc. 

    By the way FT, if you do want to spend a month at Factor e Farm, you can do this:


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