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  • It seems like a lot of our organization issues stem from the inherent limitations of having the website made with wikimedia.  Is it worth exploring switching over to a drupal based design? There are bits of discussion on Drupal throughout the wiki, but has anyone looked into this recently? I have a contact to a very high level/experienced drupal developer and team that may lend some suggestions and perhaps time/effort/expertise to how this may be applicable to a website infrastructure for open hardware.

    It would make a few things easier such as implementing people management software (like the civicrm extension), an easier WYSIWYG editor, an integrated task/issue tracking extensions, better CAD development tools, etc.

    Naturally this is a lot of work and there will be pros and cons to both, but if the conversation is useful to start I can connect this drupal developer with Elifarley and the rest of the team on how it could be used to better manage the wiki. 

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    December 2011
    Have a bit of experience with drupal (e.g. ran the software played around with it) but maybe its good to first sum up what is really needed? (I know this is just my second post after my introduction 5min back) but anyway a solid foundation is the corner piece of everything!

    So what would be needed?

    I think something about a good storage facility for CAD files, movies, as a lot of building tutorials will be/should be online? And I have the feeling that the search button is not working?

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