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menu changed?
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    December 2011
    where did the latest discussions button go?  Easier to see whats happening than having to wade thru the whole forum...
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  • Metz, thanks for reporting this problem.

    While I was editing the HTML code that shows the Google custom search widget at the right bottom of the screen, I must have removed the links, sorry.

    I'll find out in which table this information is stored and restore it later.

    Meanwhile, I've updated the Vanilla tips page to describe another way to see the latest discussions:

    Hover your mouse over Discussions (at the top) to see a clickable category menu
    • category contains discussions (a.k.a forum posts) related to a given topic
    • You can click on Discussions itself to see a list of the latest discussions, or click on one of the categories to see discussions for that specific category

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