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  • Hi everyone,

    I've started collecting information on and blogging about open source hardware for any element of textile processing and the production of fabric, clothes, carpet, rope and other fibre products. There aren't very many open source projects in this area, but I think it's of critical importance. One only has to start looking at the early disruptive technologies of the industrial revolution (which were all to do with fibre processing), and how they served to centralise wealth and decrease local resilience.

    My blog is at:

    I'd love to hear from anyone with ideas in this area, and I'll endeavor to maintain a place for free and open dialog on this subject, and to involve real fibre crafters as well as engineers.


    New Zealand
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Looks cool Craig and definitely something that does need to be started as it's a pretty complex process.

    Throw your link up on the wiki too for others looking on there:

    You can see that someone else posted the question too but doesn't appear to be too much follow up. Feel free to edit and link to your site if you want, would be a great resource and you'll probably make a few more contacts that way.

    - Mike

    btw I'm pretty jealous you live in NZ...I was there for 2months in 2010 car-camping and hiking everywhere and it's probably my favourite place I've been to in the world!

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