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Multiple PowerCubes on one device?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down February 2011
    I've read that multiple power cubes could be used on a LifeTrac or other device. 
    I don't understand how hydraulic power from two power sources could be coupled together?
    Or is it a matter of using one power-pack for some cylinders and the other for the others?
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • Well yes and no. Any given hydraulic cylinder can only do so much work by design. They are designed for a maximum pressure that you can not go over. So the power source must be matched to the type of cylinders being used. You could combine pumps in parallel to get more volume but it wouldn't make the cylinders lift any more weight. They would just move faster.

    You are much better off to design the power cube for the application it will be used for.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    April 2011
    Then what is the point of having multiple power cubes on a LifeTrac? I've seen references to this in the wiki.
  • I'm not sure. Keep in mind that the cylinders and the motors have different needs. So maybe a cube for propulsion and one for lifting?

    The Dawg
  • Separate sources for lifting, PTO, etc. make sense.

  • Heavier duty cylinders are fatter, giving more surface area to work on, thus the cylinder sacrifices speed(fatter cylinder takes more oil to fill) for power.  Adding a powercube would allow a machine with larger cylinders to operate at faster speeds due to the higher volume, while the larger cylinders allow you to extract the additional power you're providing.
  • @kunkmiester - If you need to lift more weight you can either get a larger diameter cylinder or one that can handle more pressure.

    The Dawg

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