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GVCS supporting documentation (can be worked on outside of FeF)
  • I've been trying to think of ways to support efforts at Factor e Farm, and I hope fellow skilled documenters are interested in doing what they can.  I am focused on the CEB specific documentation, which will require my poking at OSErs directly involved with FeF to ensure build instructions are accurate and up to date with the latest build unless or until I get an opportunity to be there directly to record and document what is going on, so I will focus on that document until I have completed a draft, but I think others could come up with technical documentation that would support the specific machine building and would be fairly much common to the GVCS set, such as basic instructions on machining, welding, etc.  Research for these things could probably be found throughout the web (it would be very important, of course, to not simply copy and paste in violation of copyright laws).  I don't know if it is a good idea or not to try to come up with a self-study education on supportive education for something like welding, it may be better (safer) to encourage folk to find an experienced welder to teach them how to weld, but I think OSE fans looking to help out could try to find a supporting topic like that to work on.
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    September 2011
    As far as welding is concerned, after about the first 20%, the remainder of the learning will be hands-on anyway.  It's one of those things that you just get better with practice, and no amount of talking/reading/listening to someone else can teach you how to really do a good bead ;)

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