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Holla evaluation
  • I've asked Robert Mitwicki to help us in installing Holla. He wrote:

    I tested Holla project on my locale machine and I found server for it but this software is in early development stage right now it allow just make group chat for users who login into.
    Few main problem right now is that it works only good for browser with webkit (safari, chrome etc) in firefox and IE is a little mess and is huge problem to use it in those browsers.

    I  don't think that is good tool for You to communicate especial that You need twitter account to login to this system.
    Please tell me what for this tool is and what kind of functionality do You need. I will try to find better solution for You.

    I think the good one can be google wave (  is really cool tool and in the future I plane to create desktop client for it and create own server. Right now is only on google servers and browser client.


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