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If you started an OSE or FeF v2.0 what would it look like?
  • When people are invited to contribute to the OSE project they often - usually - say they don't have time.  Time surveys like this one show that's not really true.  Nearly everyone has an hour or two in the evenings every day, and more time on the weekend, when they can do what they want.  So there is an enormous talent pool to draw on here, if we can figure out how to draw on it and I don't think there is much to worry about when it comes to dividing up the talent pool with multiple organizations.  The benefits of trying multiple organizational approaches at once will outweigh that factor many-fold.

    I'll go first, but I'll keep it short because don't want to put a wall of text up, so feel free to go into more detail yourself on what you are thinking (of course this would evolve over time, but this is the initial idea I think I would start doing), and seriously, if I had a backup plan for earning money and the capital cash for this I may very well be doing it:

    Open Source Land would focus on the things that are hard to do in the city:
    - Prototyping
    - Testing
    - Production (of hardware mostly)

    We would keep most of the OSE values, like the focus on flexfab, sustainability, localization, and small 200 person village. There would probably be a farm, nothing like fresh food and fresh air to persuade people to join the team.

    We would work with remote product development teams from anywhere, which would be started and run independently.  The goal of course would be to expand to the point where a network of Open Source Land facilities exist in enough abundance that there would be enough capacity to do nearly any prototyping that these independently run teams need. 

    But in the meantime, while we are stuck with limited resources, the teams could file proposals which would be reviewed by an elected team of experts.  The review team would have a look at the projects, work briefly with the main initiating  teams, then score the projects according to the open source values, potential net economic impact, how well it meshes with flexfab production, general likelyhood of success, etc.

    Then, the on-site prototypers choose from these which projects they want to associate themselves with as the Prototyper On the Ground.   They would become part of the development team for the specific project so they can use the OSL facilities to do any experimenting, prototyping, testing etc. that is needed, including by asking others on -site to help them do it.

    Then the production arm would use the same flex-fab facility to implement production of the products for sale on the open market, probably whichever are most probable mostly, but with 25% of equipment time going to other products that would be voted on or picked based on other redeeming features.  Fabbers would get paid maybe 10% of the value they produce, for ethical reasons and so we an bring in a variety of people with a range of ideas and skills more easily.  The remainder of the profit would go back to running the facility. Prototypers would probably get a stipend too. Of course donations are always accepted and encouraged.

     Like with any job, the applicants to come on-site would be selected based on how well we think they will contribute to what we are trying to do here, but we would have a solid policy of trying hard to efficiently harness any and all enthusiasm that people have.   I think that would make for a much more welcoming environment that would help pull in the highly skilled just as well as anyone.

    Lastly, everything would be completely transparent.  For example, accounting would start with cell phone pics of receipts, be processed with something like snapter, and then optical character recognition applied, which are then combined with bank and credit card statement, assembled into a master accounting file with a perl script, annotated by human preferably if and when they have time, then that would be published along with some summaries automatically generated from it.  Seriously, I don't forsee this being a major source of overhead. 

    We would put the time in to produce maps, org charts, publish most emails (there are always some privacy concerns) (just have a central email address which when emails are forwarded too they are added to a database, and periodically extracts from the database are produced). 

    Prototypers would each have a small portable digital video camera with a keypad so they can take videos and annotate either by audio or with the keypad whenever they see fit.  They can even wear it so it just records practically everything if they so wish. 

    Together, these could be processed with mechanical turk or custom software to produce searchable histories of each day so it becomes extremely easy to track time useage etc. for operational reasons, and also relatively easy to duplicate the whole organization.

  • 15 Comments sorted by
  • I would say something like:

    Sociable People Wanted.  We provide housing food and clothing and you help us change change world.

    We require:

    1. you get along with us
    2. you can share our dream
    3. you can contribute to the community (do work of some sort)

    In return:

    1. you will have food
    2. you will have shelter
    3. you will have community
    4. you will have a job you can do
    5. you will, as much as priorities and resources allow, get to work on things you are interested in.

  • On the subject of short time contributions, if somebody is willing to go to the trouble of breaking work down into processable chunks, then people can pick them up and work on them.  It takes management time, but not execution time.

    Skill: CAD
    Requirement: Create a model and build sheet for the power cube engine mount
    Data required:
    engine dimensions/interface link: http://...
    Powercube frame assembly documentation: http://...
    Output expected:
    DXF file model
    PDF Build sheet

  • A couple of points.


    Open source, crowd sourced, etc. efforts rely on the contributions of volunteers and contributions of time.  For efforts like wikipedia and crowd sourcing, the relative inexperience of contributors cancels out - providing the process encourages a trend towards excellence. In a technical project like OSE, this is more difficult.  Ad hoc, piecemeal, incremental development efforts are difficult to coordinate.  They tend to diverge rather than staying focused.  On the other hand, the "let a thousand flowers bloom" approach can eventually yield high quality results.  OS software often works this way.  The trade-off is time.  The anarchistic approach follows a kind of genetic algorithm, but is almost impossible to predict.  It can take months or years to produce an acceptable outcome.  OTOH, managed projects require leaders, processes, organization, protocols, etc - many of which do not appeal to some kinds of contributors.

    As I see it, the trick is to strike a balance.  I would encourage people to pursue any idea even vaguely related to the overall project goals.  As a new idea gathers substance (and other contributors), it could be incubated as an early project.  As the project matures, additional resources could be applied that include money, computer support, specialists, etc.  Even with all that, some project will take a long time to come to fruition, because skills sets either have to be re-learned (steam engines, for example), or you have to local subject matter experts willing to contribute.

    Attracting, encouraging, and nurturing volunteers would be at the heart of the organization.

    Dispersed Organization

    Personally, I favor the idea of a truly dispersed organization.  Rather than having an FeF, I would encourage the development of many such places, labs, shops, etc.  Most won't be able to do all, but taken together they are a much bigger source than any one installation.  Such an approach needs coordination.  Think about having a central resource that describes how to bootstrap the development of a personal fablab.  Tutorials on metal and wood working - not necessarily developed in-house, but drawing on the resources of the Internet.  Past the bootstrap lay the tools in development, the GVCS in OSE's case. It's easy to see how local chapters of makers could come together to pool resources and create their own local FeF's.

    This approach also encourages outreach to other parts of the globe.  Any such project should, from the very start, be global in nature.  Diversity is an essential strength.  Materials and tools available in one place will be rare in another.  Scarcity of labor in one place is commonly available in others.  That said, there are challenges to coordinating things on a global basis.  Timezones usually prevent synchronous meetings shifting actual work into forums and the like.  Language is another consideration - not everyone speaks English.


    I agree that transparency should be present, but there is no need to take it to an extreme.  Posting every receipt seems silly to me.  I'd rather see such things be summarized in monthly reports from any project, chapter, branch, or group that the organization funds or is generated by them personally.  Summaries can be better organized, whereas posting everything individually leads to a sea of information that is impossible to understand or manage.  The big picture is hard to grasp.

    This all just a matter of establishing accepted procedures and processes.  Effort should be made to minimize and simplify them while maintaining the qualify of information.


    There is more to this subject, but this are the quick thoughts off the top of my head.

    - Mark

  • Yes, posting every receipt might seem like overkill, but ideally that is exactly what you would do for internal accounting, and might as well post it when you are done.  Plus it makes it easy to verify that the reports are true and there are no errors.

    I like to think of these organizational things in terms of dynamics sometimes.  For example, David's suggestion regarding templates is a fine idea in itself, but when you go to do it there are some dynamics that interfere and reduce it's initial promise.  For example, apparently OSE used to have a sort of product template that Marcin would post on the project wiki pages, innumerable subsections on the page that were supposed to be filled in.  IMO it did not work out mainly because when people come along and actually start to look at how to solve the problem, that is not the todo list that appears to them as the way forwards.  It's all baggage and overhead, report after report that you don't really need. 

     So the point is that it may be hard to make a useful template before any experience is gained with the group based development.   That is why I would focus only on the key thing that is needed to enable open hardware, the prototyping testing and production, and the teams can develop their own approaches, share them with others and useful methods can come out of that which future teams can pick and choose from as they see fit.

    Hopefully, when it has been fully deployed, the pivotal system will allow a realistic and dynamic way to lay out the template as you go along and things that need to be done are identified by the people who are actually working on the stuff.  Seems like a good approach, I think OSL would borrow it at first.
  • I've been a contributor to several open source projects (all software related) - some big, some small.  The small projects are often clustered around a single leader who is the "vision holder".  Successful projects on SourceForge follow this path.  Any project formed with or grows to more than a dozen or so people require at least some kind of organization and administration, in my opinion.  If you look at any of the successful, large OS projects, you will find some kind of organization behind it:  Apache, Mozilla, Wikipedia, Eclipse, etc.  The really good ones keep the staff to a bare minimum and actively foster a volunteer effort that work collaboratively towards overall project goals.

    Collaboration is at the heart of all such efforts.  The tools exist to make this almost painless:  a wiki, a forum, a chat room, blogging, and possibly a content repository.  Setting up the tools is also a simple process.  Most commercially availalble website packages either include these tools or are very simple to extend to include them.  Furthermore, the monthly cost to operate such a site is very small:  $50 a month will get you a fairly powerful site (and you can go much cheaper, too).  You'll need disk space, since collaboration tends to eat up storage.  Bandwidth is less of an issue if you use third party video repositories like YouTube or Vimeo.

    No, the rub comes from coordinating the actions of a very dispersed group of people with very different ideas on how things should be done.  If you gather three people into a room and ask them how to do something, you'll get four opinions, two of which will be mutually exclusive.  This is where administration and leadership come into play.  If we suppose that all projects will pass through four stages:  idea, incubation, mature, and retired, then different kinds of mediation are used at each stage.  The idea stage, by definition, is wide open.  Pretty much anything goes (subject to cultural conventions).  If two people disagree on an idea - let them go their ways and compete.  Other contributors will be attracted not only to the idea, but to the people who are participating in the early stages.

    Once the umbrella organization starts contributing resources (especially money), it gets more of a say in how things are run.  This would include, for example, transparency reporting requirements.  Incubated projects would be run by a group of people and might have an obvious leader - or perhaps not.  Incubated projects are still exploratory, but they are now working towards creating a design that can be moved (eventually) into production.  There would be organization standards around how this is done including documentation standards, CAD and CAM standards, etc.  At this point, if an individual strongly disagrees with the direction of the incubated project, or is disruptive of the project, discipline can be applied in varying amounts.  It is no longer in the general interest to disrupt progress, but there is certainly room for creative criticism leading to improvements in the design (etc).  Note that disaffected people are free to fall back to the idea phase and form a new project, but also note that the umbrella organization won't allocate resources to competing incubated projects.

    Restrictions become even tighter once the project enters the mature phase.  In this phase, the project goes into production.  That means that the design is solid, has been prototyped, and most problems worked out.  At this stage, major design changes are considered disruptive since it impacts not only the developers, but users in the field.  The mature project is focused on improving the quality of documentation, promoting the product(s), customer support, etc.  Changes are carefully manage via a change management system.  Team members of the mature project may changes at it moves into this phase.  There is a need for different skills.  Often, the developers will have ideas for a next generation of the project and fall back to ideas and then incubating an NG project.  Leadership at this point is done by an appointed Product Manager.  This role is a bit different than the Project Manager role that might be present in an incubated project.  The Product Manager is concerned with marketing, packaging, customer support response, and other issues unrelated to development.

    Retired projects are at end-of-life and no longer require management.  There might be some minimal support for backwards compatibility or to support products in the field.


    I have already put forth some of these ideas for OSE.  Indeed, there really isn't a need for an OSE 2.0 - the 1.0 organization could be made to work, but some changes would be needed.  I have been criticized as being too "corporate".  Guilty, for good reasons.  First of all, there are elements of the corporate approach that do work.  Granted there are many excesses that should be avoided, but hierarchical management structures work well - as long as there is a shared culture, a shared vision, patience, and good will.  Most of this structure will be volunteers themselves, charged (in part) with maintaining morale, focus, energy, and (if possible) fun.  Also, in spite of our shared desire for a post-money economy of abundance, we still have to work under existing laws - where ever we choose to operate.  Corporations, especially non-profit ones, are part of that picture.  There are two ways to change any system:  work within it towards incremental change or revolt.  Personally, I am not prepared for revolution at this point.

    - Mark
  • MJN, as far as collaboration and contribution goes  It feels to me like one of the biggest barriers to full on contribution is direct compensation.  I think John Robb @ global guerrillas is trying something very unique in this regard. is going to be both a visual and informational wiki/database that connects advertising dollars to pages and geo-tagged locations.  If your page brings in the advertising clicks, you get the profit.  There is more to his idea, check out his talk on it here

    Personally I'm still not at all certain how you go about compensating on these projects, but I do think if you want dedicated high level collaborators its a problem that needs to be tackled.
  • @nick

    There a number of ways that paid collaborators can be used effectively:

    1.  Ask them to produce a research report for a fixed price.
    2.  Create a retainer with some number of hours that allow them to respond to questions posed by team members.
    3.  Ask them to bid on the design of a particular machine - fixed price works best here, but many won't go for it unless the results are well specified.
    4.  Hire them for n days/week to be a project team member.
    5.  Ask them to bid on a design created by others.

    The trick is to be specific.  Know what you want these people to do.  Open ended collaboration is the most expensive route and bound to lead to disappointment.

    - Mark
  • Hmm.  No. 5 should have read "ask them to bid on a review of a design by others". 

    - Mark

  • mjn,
    I agree completely with your suggestions for paid collaborators, when dealing with pay deal with spelled out specific terms.  All methods of pay 1-5 are valid, but mainly after you have a clear project trajectory.  When dealing with more open ended problems, like how to design a resilient open source solar energy system how do you reward and or test good designs?
    I think a series of crowd funded paid competitions would provide interesting results and ensure that the crowd was polled for best ideas before proceeding.  Of course OSE and the vision holder could always retain veto and judging power, but seems to me this might be a better way to make certain the best ideas are pulled from the crowd.

  • @Nick

    > how do you reward and or test good designs?

    Yes, I alluded to this problem in the collaboration discussion above.  In software, we'd do some design tries - mock up the code and see how it hangs together.  In hardware, the level of effort can be higher.  One approach to testing for a good design is to model or simulate it.  This was done for the current steam engine design and it revealed several problems.  Some things, however, just can't be modeled because they implementation-dependent.  For example, the valves in the steam engine need to form a good seal against the valve seats to prevent loss of steam.  This can't really be modeled, but I could see crafting a few experiments to see just how good the tolerances could be made.  It would also lead to documentation of fabrication techniques and tricks.

    >  crowd funded paid competitions

    A very interesting idea, Nick.  I can see where that might really pay off.  Still, you'd have to create a project to define the terms of the competition and the design requirements.

    - Mark

  • >Still, you'd have to create a project to define the terms of the competition and the design requirements. 

    Right, the scope of which really sets the stage for the results you'll get.  Thats where it gets very complex IMO and probably why there will tend to be a single vision holder for many of these projects.  There are so many divergent approaches that it becomes impossible to comb through them all.  I think that is why at some point Marcin simply had to nail done 50 designs, and dictate the approach on several of them, otherwise the thing would never gain the direction and focus needed for liftoff.  As we are seeing many have a beef with that approach, but in Marcins defense I'd say that one guy keeping a vision has a better chance of coherency than multiple, often divergent views fighting for an angle.

    I'm rambling a bit, but what I'm realizing is that there is some legitimacy in having something of a benign dictator in the early stages of project formation.  The complexity just does not allow for group consensus decision making, that comes later, after the attempt to break through chaos. 

    Having said that I think it would be awesome to see many other OSE type projects emerge taking different trajectories.  IMO there is just so much complexity involved in something like this, that the results are far from guaranteed and the more experiments out there running in parallel the better.  Yes I realize that you potentially diffuse resources that way, but look at it this way we have a global economic system going down the drain and millions of potential contributors to draw from, if you can compensate marginally you do not need to worry about a collaborator resource shortage. This would give participants better options for finding a group/project they agree with and also the whole field more info and results to work for. 
  • Getting people paid to do this work would get much more done.

    I've said this before, but I am willing to work with anyone with enough basic knowledge to get them paid freelancing hours for $20-$80 depending on skill level.

    We could do an official OSE freelancer program where we setup shop for web design, web programming, mechanical design, and electronic design.  20 or 40% of the earnings will be socked away into an account.  Then you can come to fef and work 20 or 40% of the hours you were paid for to earn the money that was saved.

    If we are here doing good designs why wouldn't people want to contribute to OSE by designing thru the OSE freelancer program?
  • robotjosh,
    Sounds like an interesting idea. Have you had pretty good luck freelancing so far?  I looked into it a while back for engineering design work, and it looked like the work options in that area were pretty sparse.  I'd certainly be interested in elancing though, especially if it let me earn a living online and freed my location up.  My skillset is probably a bit off right now (limited programming background and in need of a good review of CAD and Pro-E), but I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering, and am adaptable and very willing to learn.... 

    It sounds like it would be a sort of an open source firm.   I like the concept, maybe its worth a separate thread to discuss more?
  • Its probably essential to be able to do web programming jobs.  My education is for electronics but it is much harder to find freelance jobs for this.  I am not sure what the demand for freelance mechanical design but I have seen postings for mechanical drawings.

    elance and are really tough to get jobs much less make money.  I have spent many many hours designing specifications and have never been paid a cent from elance or  Craigslist is much better because it is local people who you can talk to in person and I have never been ripped off by writing specs and then never hearing back.  Local web designers have been the best way for me to get consistent hours.  I have done a lot of successful work for some of them in my area.  They all talk to each other and pretty soon people are contacting me for work instead of me looking for work.  But I've been at it for 2 years now and had to get much better at web programming for my quotes to be attractive, what used to take me 60 hours I can now quote for 20 hours.

    If youre interested in making money this way, learn php, javascript, wordpress, and know paypal and google checkout because a lot of work is setting up ecommerce sites.  Setup craigslist postings to rss so you see new ones first.
  • Excellent analysis, throughout this thread! Let's see if I can summarize, and build on the meta-structure of system needs and pressures:

    Mark has a handle on the main developer schemata - Ideation/Development/Production/Support. Idea-creation is wide open to all, and is the fall-back for differences in vision; don't try to convince the folks who disagree with you. Just move forward with those who do, and support a climate of diversity and insight. Development requires a small team of motivated experts, and is focused on gathering resources, laying out a standard, and building models/data sets. (I'm not sure if detailed accounting makes sense for all such development, but Nick's crowd-funding, and other forms that require money to change hands, would definitely require it.) Production has to be accountable and focused; a Product Manager is key, and the skill-sets required will shift toward meeting the needs of the end users. Finally, Support works to integrate the product, and the sites with production capacity, into the whole. This requires a periodic update, and the support staff can manage all the products as a bundle, calling upon sub-tasks as appropriate. On top of that, Mark mentioned: Volunteer Pull/Quality Filters/Coordination/Transparency. Nobody will start helping, if it's too much work to enter the system, so heavier management costs should by applied only as you dig into the deeper layers of activity. Getting started should take less than 5 minutes. And, Open Source requires a structure for 'a trend toward excellence' - bluntly, we need to have a way to filter, to avoid dilution by endless commentaries. The average YouTube video isn't of the same quality as the average Wikipedia page, because YouTube doesn't have a strong quality filter. Distributed networks have higher coordination needs than local groups, and should keep pushing to lower the cost of interactions. There are myriad issues to coordination, and they'll come up as we try to get things done. Flexibility, and experimentation, are the only ways to build a good fit without bogging down communication with reports and scheduling (and translation!). Transparency is important, but should fit the scale of the activity, from individuals tossing in 2 cents, to small teams, all the way up to production facilities and the organization as a whole. The bigger it is, the more you should keep track of its activities.

    Nick's crowd-funded prizes, Josh's open source firm bidding, and personal incentives in general, are all really smart. :) Similar to kickstarter's model, but content-specific, we could gather a single, central crowd-fund for paying out prizes, upon task completion and after review by Marcin's team. (I doubt crowd-allocation of prize funds would be effective. We'd end up funding pet favorites, not system-wide bottlenecks.) We have to remember: folks want to help, even if they don't profit, but the barrier to quality assistance (versus pooled marginal input from volunteer crowds) is often the risk and opportunity cost of not being paid. I'd love to see a simple, easy-to-enter, easy-for-proposals prize model. In line with Mark's bidding outline, Josh's 'affiliate-firm' concept could manage extended contract work and quality accounting, so that OSE funds wouldn't be squandered on half-baked initiatives.

    David's 'hobo-hobby' offer (no offense! I'm all about it) is critical for the spirit of OSE. Especially in developing regions, (Angola?) a lot of the locally available energy and talent will be untrained and unorganized. We have to be willing to receive those 'unwashed masses' and 'passers by', or risk becoming an elite of technicians, however dispersed. ("I can't build a CNC machine, but I'll help you lay CEB bricks for a meal.") Marcin's vision of the 200-person village isn't composed entirely of engineers, so we'll have to draw the rest of the folks in with other kinds of opportunities. Most importantly, this becomes the access point for those migrants to begin developing their talents, within the FeF context. Long-term commitments from the surrounding community grow out of the appreciation for our welcoming natures and the opportunities for personal growth that we provide.

    And Gregor's vision of chapters and pods is spot on, for the scales of activity that fit it. Same with templates, and assigning task components. Here in Oakland, CA, Tom Fitzpatrick is already rallying for a chapter, and I've been talking to the crew down at All Power Labs, in Berkeley. I could see tons of little 'shop assist" roles playing off each other, experimenting with design and organizational techniques, and collaborating/trading for rapid development beyond Missouri. (Yeah, I want to head out to FeF in a month or two, but how many visitors will come from Brazil?) This works for small-to-midsized operations, but isn't feasible for individuals, and may be clumsy for larger initiatives. Similar to Josh's firms, these local hubs could trade tasks components, sourcing work to teams with the skills and equipment that best fit the task. This minimizes skill and equipment redundancy necessary for the design process. ("I work in a bakery, and built my own brick pizza oven... but I don't have a machine shop, or any interest in making one.")

    Generally, I'd prefer to see all these options 'stay on the table'. As activity scale, design life cycle, and the user base's motives change, this lets success flow to the structures that fit at the moment. Best to have a meta-structure for all the main components of each, as a template of ways to organize. Let each person choose their preferred law, and the 'winning' ways will continue to develop, insofar as they work. (Lao Tzu: "Heaven prefers no man, but a sensible man prefers heaven.") We simply develop those ways that have immediate demand, and keep expanding the list of interface options.

    Other aspects to consider: Deterrents/Local Optima 'Traps'/Marketability/Adoption Cycle. If there are hurdles, risks, or up-front costs to involvement, that 'enormous talent pool' evaporates. And, if a certain structure inhibits growth of scale, even as it spreads globally, we'll become the next Ashram. 'Marketability' isn't about profit and advertising; it's about making the technologies attractive to people with viable alternatives. Newcomen's genius (aside from the steam engine, itself) was a simple leasing program, which allowed mine operators to 'try our product, virtually risk free!' The adoption cycle is related to all of these aspects: early adopters have different needs and pressures that they apply to the technology, and if those conflict with the needs of the primary user group, the early adopters will inadvertently 'out-class' their product from public demand. That's actually why GVCS is possible, in the first place: agroindustry's take-over (I'm shaking my fist at ADM, you just can't see it...) meant that high capital-input farm equipment was a 'good' thing to them, reducing labor costs, and pushing demand for farm equipment toward a market that didn't fit small farmers. We're not headed in that direction, but there are plenty of adoption-cycle cul de sacs left, for us to get lost in. Being attentive to our potential markets, not just the current user/developers, is key.

    Any main points I missed? And who'd like to lay these concepts out, in a framework we can elaborate? (Moving from Ideation to Development, of OSE structural interfacing & S.O.P.s...)

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