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Site for creating project tutorials in any of the world's almost 7000 languages
  • I'd like to introduce a site with a similar purpose to Open Source Ecology. is a tutorial website where people can contribute step-by-step articles on how they did something (planted a container garden, built a stool, fixed a pair of shoes, cooked a hot dog on a solar cooker, etc.)

    All articles are licensed as public domain, or as Creative Commons BY or BY-SA. Any registered user can copy any article on the site so they can translate it into their own language, localize it to the tools and materials available in their area, and embellish with any innovations they come up with.

    The site doesn't cater to just the major languages of the world, but also to the world's thousands of minority languages. Right now, most of the material is only in English, but we hope that will start changing soon.

    So come on by, and if you have a great project that you would like to make available as open culture to everyone on the planet, by all means create an account and post your article!

    Jeremy Brown

    Comment je l'ai fait... / How I did it...
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • I browsed around the site.  Some interesting things.  Not all that much overlap with OSE, which is actually good, IMO.

    - Mark

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In this Discussion

  • mjn July 2011

